Practice Kit - Cell Phone Stand (SKU: PKPHN)
Product Description
Cell phone or tablet stand practice kit
Pre-punched and formed aluminum
The stand measures approximately 5" x 2.5" x 3" fully assembled
ALL of the dimpling in this kit can be done with ANY of the following: C-Frame, Squeezer, Rivet Gun w/ Bucking Bar, or Pull Rivet Dies. However, we recommend learning the same skills as required on an aircraft, as indicated in our step-by-step assembly guide
ALL of the riveting in this kit can be done with ANY of the following: C-Frame, Squeezer, Rivet Gun w/ Bucking Bar, or Pull Rivets. However, we recommend learning the same skills as required on an aircraft, as indicated in our step-by-step assembly guide
RECOMMENDED TOOL LIST: File, Scotchbrite Wheel, #40 Drill Bit, #40 Reamer, Fine-Point Sharpie (permanent marker), Cleko Pliers, (6x) #40 clekos (3/32"), (2x) 1" cleko clamps, Hole Deburring Tool, Edge Former, 4263 (3/32") Dimple Dies, C-Frame, Hammer, Rivet Squeezer w/ Yoke, Rivet Gun, (2x) Flush Rivet Set, Back Rivet Set, Bucking Bar, Back Rivet Plate